-The Hindu But Tamil films are refreshingly different. Just six of the lead characters in the nearly 300 Bollywood movies released over the last two years belonged to a backward caste, an analysis of data by The Hindu shows. In contrast, a substantial number of popular Tamil movies of 2013 and 2014 had backward caste lead characters. For an insight into the depiction of caste in Bollywood, The Hindu analysed all Hindi movies released...
Net neutrality report to be out soon, waiting for TRAI: Telecom Minister
-PTI The telecom department is waiting for the report from sectoral regulator TRAI Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Saturday said the government will soon come out with its report on the controversial issue of net neutrality and the telecom department is waiting for the report from sectoral regulator TRAI. “Report of net neutrality will be out very soon but we are waiting for TRAI report on the issue,” Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar...
More »NASA data shows rainwater could help Indians save rupees
-PTI Washington: Collecting rainwater for vegetable irrigation could reduce water bills, increase caloric intake and even provide a second source of income for people in India, according to a new study by scientists looking at NASA satellite data. The study is based on precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), a joint mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, which provided observations of rainfall over the tropics and...
More »Towards a strategy for climate change talks -Montek S Ahluwalia
-Business Standard Nations below a level of per-capita GDP representing a peaking point could be allowed to expand total emissions The world's climate change negotiators will meet again in December in Paris. The good news is that all countries, including developing countries, have agreed to announce their "intended nationally determined contributions" (INDCs). The bad news is that they are nowhere near an agreement on action by individual countries that could limit global...
More »No funds, no condoms, 3L in Maharashtra at HIV risk -Sumitra Deb Roy
-The Times of India MUMBAI: A practically broke Maharashtra State Aids Control Society (MSACS) has asked NGOs to curtail their HIV prevention activities in the state and do away with a significant chunk of their workforce. Over 182 projects that cater to nearly three lakh high-risk population in the state will suffer as distribution of condoms and syringes to availability of medicines and testing kits will take a direct hit. The circular...
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