-Business Standard Seek relaxation of order restricting Aadhaar usage in PDS and LPG subsidies The Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court for modification of the apex court's order on Aadhaar, issued in August. The two regulators sought relaxation of the order, which stated the unique identity card should not be insisted upon except for public distribution scheme (PDS) items...
Mamata Banerjee attacks PM Narendra Modi for ‘dissolving’ the Planning Commission -Madhuparna Das
-The Economic Times KOLKATA: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee while welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Digital India' initiative, attacked the government for 'dissolving' the Planning Commission, which she alleged, has affected the federal structure of the nation. "Earlier, there was at least a Planning Commission. The chief ministers had a platform to voice their views and worries. But now where should we go and speak about such issues?" she said. Even though...
More »Public’s health is at peril, warns National Health Profile
A day before the Prime Minister of India left for a two-nation tour to Ireland and the United States this September, the National Health Profile 2015 was released by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri JP Nadda. The report, which has presented a dismal picture of the state of public health, shows that cases of cancer is expected to rise in India by almost 15 percent from 11.5...
More »Digital India OK, But Focus on Transparency: Ex-CIC
-Outlook Mumbai/ Guwahati: As Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a vigorous push for a digitally connected India, former CIC Shailesh Gandhi today said it was the issue of transparency over which he ought to do something first in a time-bound manner to help realise his dream. Gandhi also termed "Digital India" campaign, a pet project of the Modi Government, as "expensive" and "with no real benefits", as he stressed that only with...
More »National Health Profile 2015: Suicides on a rise, cancer cases may grow by 15 per cent in five years -Karnika Bahuguna
-Down to Earth India’s public spending on health is among the lowest in South East Asia and BRIC countries The burden of aspirations and expectations seems to be taking a toll on young India, especially males who succumb to suicidal deaths more than their female counterparts, according to the data published by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI). The data showed that over 67 per cent cases of suicidal deaths in...
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