-PTI Investigative website Cobrapost on Friday alleged that IT companies are misusing social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to artificially boost politicians popularity and malign their rivals, with many firms claiming to be working for BJP and Narendra Modi. The sting, Operation Blue Virus, claims to have exposed about two dozen little known IT firms across the country, which in the garb of providing reputation management Services on social...
Women groups release gender manifesto for coming general elections-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Call to address women's issues by decision-making bodies at all levels Calling for addressing women's issues, needs and concerns by decision-making bodies at all levels of governance, women's groups on Thursday released a gender manifesto with a hope that political parties would consider it for the upcoming general elections. Demanding inclusion of development of legal frameworks that ensure gender equality within political parties, development and effective implementation of women-friendly legislation, implementation...
More »Farmers begin two-day bandh, normal life disrupted in west Maharashtra-Amruta Byatnal
-The Hindu Pune: The two-day State bandh called by sugarcane farmers in Maharashtra started on a violent note on Thursday, especially in the western part of the State. The farmers, under the leadership of MP Raju Shetty of the Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana (SSS), have been agitating for a higher first advance from the government. The protest, which started on November 15, disrupted normal life as transport Services were stopped across west Maharashtra....
More »What workplaces owe women -Indira Jaising
-The Indian Express The law is clear on how to handle sexual harassment. But our most important institutions have been slow to catch up. The notification issued by the Supreme Court on November 26, 2013 does not address the issue raised by the young intern who has made a complaint that she was sexually harassed by a former judge. The 10 eminent members of the Gender Sensitisation and Internal Complaints Committee will...
More »Govt's ambitious broadband internet plan misses deadline-Sounak Mitra
-The Business Standard The National Optic Fibre Network project aims to connect 2.5 lakh gram panchayats across the country with optical fibre The government is likely to miss the deadline for its dream project - National Optic Fibre Network (NOFN) to connect 2.5 lakh gram panchayats across the country with optical fibre for offering 100 megabit per second (mbps) broadband Services. The much-talked-about NOFN project, which was initiated in 2011 with the approval...
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