The central government had diverted Rs 20,000 crore of funds meant for tribal people’s welfare to other departments in the past two years, CPM Politburo member and Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch president Brinda Karat alleged here on Monday. Speaking at a dharna organised by the AP Girijana Sangham in front of the office of the Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) here to seek release of more funds for the welfare of...
Angry villagers damage approach road to Posco site by Prafulla Das
The agitation against land acquisition for the Posco steel plant intensified in this seaside gram panchayat in Jagatsinghpur district on Sunday, with the villagers damaging an approach road to the area earmarked for the project. Led by Abhay Sahu, chairman of the Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti, which has been spearheading the protest since July 2005, more than 150 people from different hamlets in Dhinkia went out with spades and other tools...
More »India: Environment under attack by Praful Bidwai
India’s rulers have found a new vocation – maligning environmentalists and questioning the very idea of regulating industry for pollution. Thus, faced with criticism of Lavasa, an artificial gated city of the super-rich near Pune, in which his family has invested crores, Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar, lashed out at well-known activist Medha Patkar and other “vested interests” for obstructing this “pioneering” project. Lavasa’s promoters built the project without seeking environmental clearance...
More »Gherao over MGNREGA bunglings
Over 2,000 activists of CPI (ML) Liberation gheraoed the Dasmantpur block office on Thursday demanding probe into irregularities in the execution of many developmental projects including the central employment scheme MGNREGA. The agitators took out a rally at the block headquarters before submitting a memorandum to the BDO. "Several poverty alleviation programmes have failed in the block due to the indifference of the officials concerned. People are unable to get...
More »Government estimates foodgrains production at 232.07 million tonnes in 2010-11
The second advance estimates of crop production for 2010-11 released by Ministry of Agriculture has projected India's foodgrain production at 232.07 million tonnes during 2010-11 compared to 218.11 million tonnes last year. This is only marginally below the record production of 234.47 million tonnes of foodgrains in 2008-09. India is forecasted to achieve record production of wheat (81.47 million tonnes), pulses (16.51 million tonnes) and cotton (339.27 lakh bales of 170...
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