-The Indian Express The CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) has slammed the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's government for causing a loss to the exchequer to the tune of Rs 17,000 cr. In its report for 2009-10 and 2010-11, placed before the Gujarat Legislative Assembly, CAG said corruption and irregularities have caused huge losses to the state. CAG blasted the Narendra Modi government for not being able to stop these irregularities. Narendra Modi has...
Ajay Maken ticks off Chavan, tells him to stop slum demolition
-The Hindu Mumbai: Union Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Ajay Maken on Tuesday wrote to Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, asking him to stop demolition of the houses of slum dwellers, after a delegation of the National Alliance of People's Movements headed by Medha Patkar met him in New Delhi. He asked Mr. Chavan to see that the Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) was implemented with much more enthusiasm and in...
More »Poll panel moves court to reject panchayat schedule
-PTI Kolkata: The Election Commission in West Bengal today moved the Calcutta Hight Court seeking rejection of the government notification on poll schedule as the state government decided to contest it. The State Election Commission in its petition claimed that Section 42 of the West Bengal Panchayat Election Act, which states that the state government is empowered to notify election in consultation with the commission, is unconstitutional. The commission also prayed that it...
More »Supreme Court rules for cheap cancer drug -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India The Supreme Court on Monday rejected pharma giant Novartis AG's plea to preserve its patent over a life-saving cancer drug, Glivec, drawing a huge sigh of relief from thousands of patients in India and in dozens of developing countries as the fear of an almost 15-fold escalation of drug costs receded. It is the biggest setback for multinational pharma companies, which have been denied patent protection...
More »SC’s Glivec ruling setback to foreign pharma firms -Vidya Krishnan and CH Unnikrishnan
-Live Mint SC rejects Novartis's patent plea for Glivec, says it does not meet any standard of novelty or inventiveness In a landmark judgement, India's apex court rejected Swiss drug maker Novartis AG's legal challenge aimed at securing a patent for blockbuster anti-cancer drug imatinib mesylate, branded Glivec in the country. The verdict, which is seen as a setback to multinational pharmaceutical companies operating in India, may influence a rash of pending disputes...
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