A six-phased Assembly elections in West Bengal, a two stage poll in Assam and a single day poll in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry were today announced by the Election Commission, setting in motion the largest such exercise after 2009 Lok Sabha polls. With parts of the state affected by Maoists activities, West Bengal will have elections in six phases on April 18, 23, 27, May 3, 7 and 10,...
Call for Minimum Farmgate Price for Pusa 1121 Rice by Prabha Jagannathan
Punjab and haryana have asked the government to declare a minimum farmgate price for the Pusa 1121 variety of basmati in order to protect farmers from price fluctuations. This is the first time that such a demand has been raised for basmati. The proposed farmgate price is similar to the government support price declared for key crops to protect interests of growers. The request that the government declare a minimum...
More »haryana FM reiterates support for farmers on land acquisition in Rewari
Refusing to budge from his stand in the face of chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda`s "varying views" on the land acquisition policy, haryana finance minister Ajay Singh, on Thursday reiterated that he would continue to support the farmers on the matter of land acquisition in district Rewari. "Let either the farmers be 25% stakeholders in the industries coming up at the proposed land or let the entire 464 acres of...
More »Rise in number of anaemics catches PMO's attention by Kounteya Sinha
India's high burden of anaemia has now got the Prime Minister's Office seriously concerned. With the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) finding the prevalence of anaemia to be 80% in children, 70% in pregnant women and 24% in adult men, the PMO called a meeting on Thursday with top officials from the Planning Commission, ministries of health and women and child development, the National Institute of Nutrition and independent experts...
More »Govt raises poll expenditure limit
In an attempt to deal with the use of black money in elections, the maximum poll expenditure for parliamentary constituencies has been increased to Rs 40 lakh and to Rs 16 lakh for assembly constituencies. Expenditure limit varies according to the size of states. On Wednesday, law ministry issued a notification amending the Conduct of Election Rules. At present, in big states, the upper spending limit in parliamentary constituency is Rs...
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