-The Hindu The pressing need to end the misuse of Section 66 A of the Information Technology Act has once again been underscored by the arrest of Jaya Vindhyala, president of the People's Union for Civil Liberties in Andhra Pradesh. Her alleged offence of putting up Posts critical of a legislator, Amanchi Krishna Mohan, and Tamil Nadu Governor K. Rosaiah on Facebook has resulted in heavy-handed police action. Clearly, the Supreme...
PUCL leader gets bail
-The Hindu She leaves in a car hurriedly accompanied by her supporters fearing arrest in two other cases pending against her ONGOLE: People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) Andhra Pradesh unit president Jaya Vindhyala, arrested on charges of "objectionable Postings" on Facebook against Tamil Nadu Governor, K. Rosaiah and Chirala MLA, Amanchi Krishna Mohan, was released on bail from the district jail here on Tuesday. The Additional Munsif Magistrate Shiva Sankara Reddy issued...
More »Evaluation office for rural development -Elizabeth Roche
-The Times of India The new office will give real time analysis of the government's social programmes, says Jairam Ramesh At a time when the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is facing flak for a series of alleged corruption scams, the ministry of rural development that has an annual budget of approximately ` 800 billion has decided to go ahead and create an office of concurrent evaluation. The proposal for a...
More »Haves and have-nots, chained by loss-Sanjay Mandal
-The Telegraph Bengal - Defrauded Many households in Calcutta have a domestic help or a driver who has lost money by investing in Saradha schemes - a common thread that has spun a perception that the poor are the sole victims of the sham company. But Sudipta Sen's promise of high returns had blurred the divide between the haves and the have-nots as well as the educated and the uneducated. Travels across the semi-urban...
More »The great jobs disaster-CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line In much of the discussion on the turnaround after the Great Recession, attention has been focused on financial consolidation and the halting return to growth. Far less attention has been paid to the persistence of high and even rising unemployment and its sources. In the desperate search for evidence that the global recession has bottomed out and the recovery has arrived, the story told by the long-term trend...
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