-The Indian Express After the market rates crashed to Rs 1-2 per kg, only 565 tomato growers across Haryana received the average price difference payment of Rs 2,136. Kurukshatra: Jasbir Saini shows a message on his iBall mobile phone displaying an amount of Rs 296 credited to his bank account. That’s what the 47-year-old has received as “differential price” on the distress sale of his tomato crop under the Haryana government’s Bhavantar...
Murderous mob -- 9 states, 27 killings, one year: And a pattern to the lynchings -Rashmi Rajput, Abhishek Saha, Sweety Kumari, Sreenivas Janyala, Johnson TA, Arun Janardhanan, Prashant pandey, and Dipankar Ghose
-The Indian Express Murderous mob — 9 states: The Indian Express investigates the circumstances of each death related to child-lifting rumours to find a common plot: helpless police, migrant victims. Bengaluru, Chennai, Dhule, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Raipur, Ranchi: Being an outsider, moving after sunset, taking an unfamiliar road, stopping to ask for directions, even offering a chocolate to a child on the way. This is what led to the killing of 27 people...
More »Towards a people's police -Prakash Singh
-The Indian Express The police force needs to be freed from the stranglehold of the executive and given functional autonomy to enforce the rule of law. The Supreme Court’s directions can help achieve this transformation. The battle for police reforms has been going on for the last 22 years. The Supreme Court took 10 years to give a historic judgment in 2006. Since then it has been a struggle to get the...
More »A right to sell at MSP: CACP wants legislation to ensure farmers benefit -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard The government's price-fixation panel backs legalising farmers' right to sell at MSP New Delhi: As the government goes on an overdrive to publicise the hike in Minimum Support Price (MSP), the question is how to ensure that farmers reap the benefits. Unless there is a regular procurement mechanism, MSPs will continue to have a notional value except, perhaps, for rice. The Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP), the body which...
More »SC lens on information vacuum
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday issued notices to the Centre, Bengal and seven other states on a petition seeking immediate filling up of the posts in the Central Information Commission and the state information commissions. A bench of Justices A.K. Sikri and Ashok Bhushan sought responses within four weeks on the PIL filed jointly by three RTI activists - Anjali Bharadwaj, Amrita Jorhi and Lokesh K. Batra -...
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