It was an achievement that Uttar Pradesh’s Majhwara village cherished, calling it a victory of ballot over bullet. A day after the cremation of her husband — revenue inspector Ram Kumar Yadav — Kamla Yadav won the election for the post of the pradhan of this village in Sultanpur district. Ram Kumar was kidnapped and murdered after the October 11 polling. He was targetted — allegedly by BSP legislator Chandrabhadra Singh alias...
Posco's Orissa project lands in fresh trouble
The Rs 51,000-crore Posco steel project in Orissa, that has been delayed for five years, faces the prospect of getting delayed further. The ministry of tribal affairs is now looking at the possibility of whether the South Korean steel project, which also represents the largest foreign direct investment (FDI) in India so far, has actually encroached into the land owned by tribals. The Union ministry of environment and forest (MoEF) has...
More »Another RTI activist gets death threats by Melvyn Thomas
After the visually-challenged RTI activist Ratna Ala, another RTI crusader from Valsad, Ketan Shah has lodged a complaint stating that he has been threatened for his activism by the chief officer of Valsad nagarpalika and senior officers in the district Administration. For Shah, major shock came after the nagarpalika passed a resolution — a copy is with TOI — in the general body meeting on October 19 to blacklist him and...
More »Throwing off the yoke of manual scavenging by Vidya Subrahmaniam
The obnoxious practice will continue in one form or the other, as long as the government and society treat certain so-called menial jobs as the preserve of one community. On November 1, a unique journey will come to a ceremonious end in Delhi. Earlier this month, five bus loads of men and women headed out from different corners of the country with one slogan on their lips: honour and liberation for...
More »The muddle in food security by Himanshu
NAC’s retrograde proposals fall short of creating a meaningful vision of food entitlement in the country The National Advisory Council (NAC) has finally come out with its proposals for the National Food Security Act. After months of deliberations within itself and with various government departments, the proposals will form the basis of the Act to be introduced in Parliament. However, a quick perusal of the proposals suggests that not only has NAC...
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