-The Hindu “If the law of the market is ignored, then no government policy, however well intended, is going to work”, Chief Economic Advisor to Government of India Kaushik Basu said at a conference on the Indian health sector here on Friday. He referred specifically to how 44 per cent of the food grain meant for the poor never reaches them through the Public Distribution System and said that this needs...
Continuity and change in rural India by N Chandra Mohan
Village studies are a treasure trove of information on economic and social changes A noteworthy feature of research on Indian agriculture is the resurgence of interest in village studies. Such studies – that include resurveys of villages studied earlier – provide insights into the livelihood prospects of the majority of people who continue to work in the countryside. They are an important mode of research to understand agrarian relations that often...
More »FDI if retailers procure 30% stuff from small industry by Surajeet Das Gupta & Nayanima Basu
Indian suppliers must be units with investment up to Rs 1.25 cr, says draft before cabinet. Multinational retailers such as Walmart, Tesco and Carrefour looking to open stores in the country may have to source almost a third of their merchandise from small Indian manufacturers as the government tries to make the opening of multi-brand retail to foreign players more politically palatable. The draft cabinet note for permitting 51 per cent foreign...
More »Government should provide free health services to poor: Kaushik Basu
-The Economic Times Chief Economic Adviser Kaushik Basu on Friday said that the government should consider providing free health care for the poor and significantly increase its spending on the health sector. Citing examples of other developing nations like Bangladesh that have better life expectancy and infant mortality rate than India, Basu added that the country has not yet attached adequate importance to the health sector which might prove detrimental for the...
More »Anti-insurgency squad bar only in one state
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today diluted its July order asking the Centre and states to stop using special police officers in their war against Naxalites or other internal terror, clarifying it would now be confined only to Chhattisgarh. The Centre had urged the top court to clarify or modify its July 5, 2011, order saying it would “hamper” internal security measures in states and lead to “chaos”. Besides Chhattisgarh, there are SPOs...
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