-The Indian Express With the CBI making its first arrests in the Ishrat Jahan case, Ujjwala Nayudu and Rahul Tripathi look at past investigations, all of which have punctured holes in the Gujarat Police’s encounter theory When were Ishrat Jahan and three others killed? Was it in a police encounter on June 15, 2004, as the Gujarat Police’s records show, or a day earlier, on the evening of June 14, as subsequent...
Students, teachers protest visit, are lathicharged
-The Hindustan Times As Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) extended the red carpet to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, the Left faction of Delhi University (DU) rose in protest. SRCC had invited Modi to deliver the keynote speech at their undergraduate management festival. The invitation sparked an outrage with hundreds of students and teachers gathering to protest his visit near the SRCC College gates with party flags and...
More »Moving to the House -Upendra Baxi
-The Indian Express On the Delhi rape case, let’s keep the indignation, disturb legislative slumbers The Verma Committee Report (VCR) speaks against civil society and political rape cultures. The poignancy and urgency of the VCR owes much to the experience of conversing with rape survivors and traumatised children. A precious message of the VCR is this: one may not take law reform seriously without taking human and social suffering equally seriously. The committee...
More »Chautala, son get 10 years in jail: supporters are angry
-PTI INLD workers clash with police at Rohini court before and after sentencing In a judgement that could have electoral ramifications in Haryana, former Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala and his son Ajay Chautala were on Tuesday sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for corruption amidst scenes of violence by his supporters in a Delhi court complex. Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar, who last week had convicted the Chautalas and 53 others, including two...
More »Panel to ‘fix responsibility’ for gang rape Delhi back to normal
-The Telegraph The government today set up a commission of inquiry to identify lapses that may have led to the bus gang rape and “fix responsibility” even as the capital limped back to normal after a violent weekend. Police let vehicles ply on the 2.5km stretch between India Gate and Rajpath, locked down for the past two days since Sunday’s protests. The decision to set up the commission is the latest among several...
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