-The Hindu In a bid to keep pulses price under check, that went sky-rocketing during past few months, the Centre has now decided to create buffer stock of pulses. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Wednesday gave its approval for creation of buffer stock of pulses. The buffer stock will be created in current year itself. In its meeting held here, the CCEA has approved procurement of about 50,000 ton pulses...
Centre hikes pulses MSP but experts say too little, too late
-The Indian Express The minimum support price (MSP) for the two pulse crops has been raised by Rs 250 per quintal over their levels in the 2014-15 rabi season. In a bid to encourage farmers to grow more pulses amidst soaring dal rates, the Centre Thursday increased the procurement price of chana (gram) and masur (lentil) planted in the current rabi season by around 10.5 per cent. The minimum support price (MSP) for...
More »Not yet one market
-Business Standard Agricultural marketing reform should first take states on board The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has announced plans for a "national agricultural market" which would involve the integration of 585 major regulated mandis through electronic platforms over three years. Several problems in the current farm marketing system, governed by the monopolistic agricultural produce marketing committees (APMCs), might be addressed if this works: the multiplicity of mandi fees and licences...
More »Govt to pump in Rs 50,000 crore over 5 years to boost irrigation facilities -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Government has decided to pump in Rs 50,000 crore to develop basic irrigation infrastructure and water conservation models over next five years under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Prime Minister Agriculture Irrigation Scheme) that is aimed to irrigate every farm in the country under its motto 'Har Khet Ko Pani' (water for every farm) to increase productivity through efficient use of water - 'more...
More »Centre hikes minimum support price for pulses and paddy
-Hindustan Times The Centre on Wednesday hiked the minimum support price for pulses by up to Rs 275 a quintal for the year and also approved an increase of Rs 50 in MSP for paddy. The MSP for paddy will now be Rs 1,410 per quintal. Hikes in MSP are known to help farmers, which in turn can incentivise them and boost their overall agricultural output. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)...
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