-DNA The government has spent a whopping Rs 80 crore since 2009 to maintain VVIP samadhis. In an RTI filed by dna, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) that is responsible for maintaining the Samadhi Complex in Delhi has revealed that these expenses were incurred to maintain plush lawns, electrical supply and security. The Samadhi Complex spread over 245 acres of land along the bank of Yamuna on Ring Road in Delhi...
Handle age with care -Charan Singh and SJS Swamidoss
-The Indian Express While the new government has spoken about taking policy measures to address the needs of India's young population, nearly 10 crore of the elderly - citizens above 60 years of age - are generally neglected in policymaking. The latest Census data report that 15 per cent of the elderly live alone, mainly because of the nuclearisation of the family. As longevity is increasing and women tend to live...
More »End-to-end solutions for food supply -Charan Singh, Padmakumar Nair and Shamil M
-The Hindu Business Line India now has the technology to track leakages at each stage in the public distribution system The Government has set up the Expenditure Management Commission to rationalise subsidies, among other expenditure items in India. India incurs nearly one per cent of food subsidy annually, generally utilised under the existing public distribution system (PDS) consisting of Food Corporation of India (FCI) and nearly five lakh Fair Price Shops (FPSs)....
More »Made in India, by small enterprises -Charan Singh
-The Hindu The Prime Minister's call for making India a manufacturing hub and creating jobs should boost small and medium enterprises as well Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Make in India' campaign is creating waves both in India and abroad. Given the government's intention to boost domestic manufacturing and create new jobs, its proposal to introduce a new policy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) deserves a closer look. While Mr. Modi's...
More »Jhunjhunu waits for govt to act as its wells run low -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard Monsoon revival saves standing crop but fails to fill drinking water wells, triggering acute shortage in some areas Jhunjhunu/Nawalgarh: Just opposite the highway leading to the Jhunjhunu district headquarters lies the hamlet of Pratappura. It is indistinguishable from the thousands of small dwellings that dot the countryside, but for the chasm between the upper and lower castes in this Jat-dominated area. The divide has widened after the sole source...
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