-The Hindu Many students have vowed not to enter classrooms without their hijabs Bengaluru: Young women wearing religious headscarves tearfully pleading to be allowed entry into schools and colleges with many vowing not to remove their hijabs has raised concerns on the impact this will have on their education. While the case is in the High Court of Karnataka, several writers and activists from the Muslim community and education experts have expressed fear...
DMK MP P Wilson interviewed by Ragamalika Karthikeyan (TheNewsMinute.com)
-TheNewsMinute.com “The suggestion to have a uniform syllabus across the country and a single board is the brainchild of the right wing, which wants to create a homogenous nation, in place of the wonderfully diverse and multicultural society we have now.” In the crucial debate around federalism and states’ rights, one of the biggest issues is education. The subject was moved from the State List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution...
More »Aruna Roy, social activist and founder of the MKSS. interviewed by Sneha Philip and Smarinita Shetty (IDR)
-IDROnline.org/ TheWire.in "The problem with Indian democracy is that despite the presence of millions of voters, the pool of decision makers get smaller and narrower at the top." Aruna Roy is a social activist and founder of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS). Her work and leadership led to the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005—a landmark act that empowers citizens to demand transparency and accountability from government institutions....
More »Ahead of UP polls, report on socio-political condition of Muslim community paints a picture of ‘discrimination, neglect’ -Snobar
-TwoCircles.net The report by the Centre for Development Policy and Practice (CDPP) ‘Development of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh—released on January 9, paints a picture of the disempowerment of the Muslim community in the state. UTTAR PRADESH: As Uttar Pradesh is going to polls next month, a new report has revealed that Muslims of the most populous state of India lag far behind on many socio-religious categories (SRCs) such as “education, economy,...
More »Schools must be the last to close and the first to open, suggests NCEE to the govt.
-Press release by National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) dated January 4, 2022 We note with concern, that governments are considering or planning school closure as Covid cases are on the rise. Delhi, Goa and Haryana governments have ordered school closure. Karnataka TAC has recommended a TPR of 2 percent to close schools and colleges. This will spell a disaster for children. Schools have recently opened after remaining mostly closed since...
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