-The Times of India Amid increasing complaints about misuse of the Tatkal scheme, the railways has introduced a slew of measures that will come into effect from Tuesday. Under the revised scheme, passengers can book Tatkal tickets from 10am instead of 8am. No authorized agents, including those of IRCTC, will be allowed to book Tatkal tickets from 10am to 12pm over the counter as well as on the internet. While some zones will have...
Childhood in shreds by Bindu Shajan Perappadan
The latest NCPCR survey report reveals large-scale child labour in Bt cotton production; asks stakeholders to prepare an action plan to eliminate it Forced to work for 14-hours at a stretch and even carry pesticides on their back, the plight children engaged as child labour in the Bt cotton production has often gone unnoticed, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has said in its latest survey report. To rescue...
More »UIDAI probing several cases of misuse of personal data
-PTI The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is probing several complaints of misuse of personal data and duplication of cards while issuing 'Aadhaar' numbers to individuals. "UIDAI has received six complaints regarding errors or complaints regarding use of address documents. Four were received on UIDAI helpline on May 7, 13, 23, 2011 and March 9, 2012 and two by emails on February 27, 2012 and August 10, 2011. The complaints were...
More »Kolkata fire: 73 dead, AMRI owners to surrender
CNN-IBN The owners of AMRI Hospital RS Goenka and SK Todi were on their way to surrender before the Kolkata police at Lal Bazar police station on Friday after a major fire at the hspital in South Kolkata left 73 dead. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed that at least 73 people are dead in the major fire that broke out at AMRI Hospital in Dhakuria in south Kolkata on...
More »PDS coupons in Bihar to be bar-coded from June by Santosh Singh
In a unique move to curb corruption in the public distribution system (PDS), ration coupons in Bihar will be bar-coded from June. The next set of PDS coupons —a for June 2011 to May 2012 — has gone into print and will have bar code to prevent duplication. A bar code is a group of thin and thick lines printed on products you buy in a shop, and which a computer...
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