-The Economic Times Shares of Maruti Suzuki India slipped over 2 per cent in trade on Tuesday after reports indicated that the workers at the Manesar plant are planning a hunger strike and other peaceful protests to force the company management to reinstate the 548 employees who were sacked after July's violence. At 01:20 pm, Maruti Suzuki recovered marginally and was trading 1.8 per cent lower at Rs 1453.25. It has hit...
The piecemeal city
-The Business Standard The consequences of unplanned growth in Haryana real estate One of the positive consequences of the recent focus on the dealings between companies owned by Robert Vadra and the real estate giant DLF is that the unregulated nature of the Haryana land market has become a topic of discussion. Mr Vadra’s companies’ purchases of additional land and apartments were funded from the windfall gains that accrued after a 3.5...
More »Behind Haryana land boom, the Midas touch of Hooda -Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Robert Vadra may be the most talked about property developer in Haryana but the emergence of links between the man who sold Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law his first plot of land and Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has shone a spotlight on the crucial role played by the Congress-run government in turning realty in the State into a business worth thousands of crores of rupees. Records of all licences granted...
More »Senior official probing Vadra-DLF land deal shunted out
-The Hindu A top official in the Haryana government’s land registration department was transferred hours after he initiated a probe into all the land dealings of Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, in four districts of the State neighbouring Delhi, The Hindu can disclose. The transfer order came on October 11, 2012 — even as the country was still digesting the allegations made by India Against Corruption of a nexus...
More »Vadra: 'A little help from my friends'
-The Business Standard If Mr Vadra had to count his friends in the real estate business, they would be Corporation Bank, the Haryana government and DLF Robert Vadra, who is at the centre of a controversy over his property dealings with realty giant DLF and others, began investing in real estate five years ago, in 2007-08. He was already a wealthy man by then, not a struggling businessman who could scrape only...
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