-The Indian Express While crimes against Dalits are increasing, the state has time and again let them down, with little action against the perpetrators. Atrocities against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are a regular feature of the caste-based Indian society and distressingly, of late, they have begun increasing. What is ironical is that only recently, the country commemorated the 125th birth anniversary of B .R. Ambedkar, the icon of the...
Four minors are raped every day, only 1 in every 3 accused convicted -Aloke Tikku
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Fewer children were brutalised in 2015 than 2014. And yet, 451 girls were raped before they could celebrate their sixth birthday, and another 1,151 before their twelfth. That means a girl, not old enough to begin primary school, and three others yet to enter their teens, were raped every day in 2015. Four out of every 10 victims below the age of 12 were either in Maharashtra (365...
More »Death as a Dalit: What Rohith Vemula’s suicide tells about India -Dhrubo Jyoti
-Hindustan Times A Dalit scholar at the University of Hyderabad killed himself on Sunday night, nearly two weeks after he and four other students were suspended by authorities and thrown out of the hostel, triggering charges of casteism. The students were on a protest strike in front of the hostel since the expulsion that followed an argument and scuffle between members of some campus groups and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. That strike has...
More »Why India has a ‘low’ crime rate -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express While Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands display high numbers of criminal activity, India stands with Yemen and Lebanon in the lower zone. Last month, when women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi was pushing through amendments to Juvenile Justice Act in Parliament that would lower the age of culpability as an adult from 18 to 16, she cited a rising number of crimes by juveniles. In the year...
More »Swagata Raha, Senior Legal Researcher (Consultant) at the Centre for Child and the Law, National Law School of India University (Bengaluru), speaks to Vikhar Ahmed Sayeed
-Frontline Swagata Raha, a senior legal researcher (Consultant) at the Centre for Child and the Law, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, said the Juvenile Justice Bill, 2015, “incorrectly assumes that children are competent to stand trial as adults”. Currently pursuing Master of Studies in International Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford, Swagata Raha worked extensively on the campaign against the Juvenile Justice Bill and has written extensively...
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