-The Hindu To ensure transparency, the Union Government had made it mandatory for all State Governments to use the mobile application to record attendance of workers Five months after the Union Government's order making it mandatory to capture attendance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) workers through government mobile application-National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) at work sites where 20 or more workers are employed, at least three States —...
Debal Deb, agrarian scientist and seed conservationist, interviewed by Rebecca George (TheWire.in)
-TheWire.in * Debal Deb began conserving indigenous varieties of rice in the 1990s after realizing that they were losing cultivation ground to other varieties preferred by the Green Revolution. * In an extended interview with The Wire Science, he explained what makes a crop resilient, why farmers should be considered scientists, and the perils of technological solutionism. * Deb also spoke at length about the problems with the Green Revolution and its troubled...
More »The nowhere people -Anshuman Behera
-The Telegraph Communities of Chhattisgarh caught in cross-fire between Salwa Judum and the Maoists The ghost of the Salwa Judum, a State-sponsored militia that operated in Chhattisgarh, continues to haunt the displaced Gotte Koya tribals. Before the apex court declared the militia unconstitutional, the Salwa Judum was illegally engaged in fighting the Maoists. Caught between the Salwa Judum and the Maoists, many communities were at the receiving end of the violence with...
More »Darjeeling zoo adjudged the best zoo in India -Vivek Chhetri
-The Telegraph The ranking list was released by the Central Zoo Authority has Calcutta’s Alipore Zoological Garden in the fourth position Darjeeling: The Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park (PNHZP) of Darjeeling has been recognised as the best zoo in the country. Calcutta’s famous Alipore Zoological Garden has come fourth. The ranking list was released by the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) during the zoo directors' conference held at Bhubaneswar in Odisha on September 10. “It is...
More »Jharkhand became second state to have Food Security Atlas -Animesh Bisoee
-The Telegraph Objective of SPANDAN initiative is to undertake research understanding linkages between agriculture, nutrition and health in India: Economist Jharkhand became the second state after Bihar and Odisha in eastern India to have Food Security Atlas for its rural areas prepared by Delhi-based Institute for Human Development (IHD) as part of the research initiative of the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai. Odisha and Bihar had their Atlas launched in...
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