-Down to Earth Telangana Chief Minister said cloudbursts may be a 'foreign conspiracy' during his visit to flood-hid Bhadrachalam India, especially its Himalayan states Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, are devastated by cloudbursts several times moslty during the monsoon season. Flash floods caused by a cloudburst in Uttarakhand in 2013, killing thouSands of people, is one of the worst natural disasters the country recorded since the 2004 tsunami. Climate change has been making these...
Sand Pit Warriors -Moumita Chaudhuri
-The Telegraph The Telegraph reports on a riverine community’s determination to save its environs Once upon a time, when my forefathers were looking for land to settle down, they found this barren Sandbar and decided to make it a habitable place,” says Nani Roy, 42, a resident of Manachar. Char is the Bengali word for Sandbar. Manachar is the Sandbar that extends from Durgapur Barrage to Panagarh in Burdwan district. About three...
More »UP & Gujarat demand more wheat under PDS -Sandip Das
-Financial Express The beneficiaries under public distribution system in the states were allocated wheat and rice in proportion of 3 kg (wheat) and 2 kg (rice) for each beneficiary per month till May. States including Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat on Tuesday demanded restoration of wheat supply under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) and Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) by stating that beneficiaries need both rice and wheat as per...
More »Mandi prices of most items above new minimum support prices, only pulses cheaper -Sandip Das
-Financial Express “Soyabean has been selling much above MSP, however, increase in MSP provides positive signals to farmers,” D K Pathak, executive director, Soyabean Processors Association of India, told FE. Mandi prices of several agricultural commodities for which the government had announced a 5-9% increase in minimum support prices (MSPs) for the 2022-23 season are currently ruling above the MSP. Only the prices of pulses are mostly ruling below the benchmark price. Mandi...
More »Travails Of Landless Labour - The Untold Story Of Punjab’s Agricultural Success -Sandeep Chachra
-Outlook India Sandeep Chachra is Executive Director, ActionAid Association and Co-chair of the World Urban Campaign, UN-Habitat. He discusses and expresses views of the ground reality of the success behind Punjab's Agriculture Industry. "Microfinance companies are breaking our backs. Many women in our block have taken loans that they can't repay. During COVID, these loans have swelled up, and the company agents threaten us, take away our belongings, our gas cylinders. I...
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