-PTI/ The Hindu SC Bench also asked all the states impleaded as parties in the case to file replies in the matter. The Supreme Court Tuesday directed all states to inform it about the number of migrant children and their condition on a plea seeking directions for the protection of their fundamental rights amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. A bench comprising Chief Justice S A Bobde and Justices A S Bopanna and V...
Better to leave now: Migrant workers in Delhi, Mumbai head home amid fear of lockdown
-IndiaToday.com Several migrant workers in Delhi and Mumbai were seen heading to their home states amid fear of another lockdown, as Covid-19 cases witness a steep rise in the country. As India witnesses a resurgence in Covid 19 cases, it is the migrant workers who are staring at an uncertain future with several states announcing night curfews and weekend lockdowns. In Delhi, many migrant workers were seen leaving for their home states from...
More »Migrant workers jittery as Maharashtra govt considers lockdown -Sadaf Modak
-The Indian Express After the 21-day national lockdown was announced on March 24 last year, many stranded workers without ration or money had walked thousands of kilometers or hitched overpriced rides to reach home. Mumbai: The looming threat of a lockdown in the state with a daily surge in Covid cases has put migrant workers on the edge with some contemplating returning to their native places to avoid being caught off guard...
More »Lest We Forget: One Year After the Labour and Migration Crisis
-Press release by Working Peoples Charter (WPC) Network dated 23rd March, 2021 A statement on the condition of India’s migrant workforce one year after the COVID-19 lockdowns 24 March marks the anniversary of India’s harsh nationwide COVID-19 lockdown when we witnessed an unparalleled impact on the country’s poor, particularly internal migrants who comprise a 140 million-strong workforce. In 2020, India saw the largest urban-rural exodus in its history, with millions of workers...
More »Report Finds Many Migrant Workers in Madhya Pradesh Did Not Receive Govt Benefits
-TheWire.in The MP Migrant Workers Project found that 90% of migrant workers who returned to the state during the COVID-19 lockdown did not receive any kind of monetary assistance. New Delhi: Satish Ranjan* used to work in Pune as a construction worker. When the pandemic hit, he was forced to return to his home in Madhya Pradesh, like the lakhs of migrant workers who were forced to return – many by foot...
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