-The Indian Express Railways has introduced clone Trains to replicate services with a long waiting list. Out of the 40 such Trains, around 24 are from stations in Bihar. Even as the Opposition in Bihar tries to make the plight of migrant workers an election issue, train passenger data shows high occupancy rates on routes connecting the state with destinations that rely heavily on migrant labour. The demand has been such that...
India’s new labour codes fail migrant workers whose vulnerability was highlighted by lockdown crisis -Divya Varma, Kavya Bharadkar & Raghav Mehrotra
-Scroll.in The systemic, structural reasons that precipitated their distress have been completely ignored. The images of devastation faced by migrant workers in the aftermath of the Covid-19 lockdown imposed in March shook the conscience of the nation: the scale of the problem and the severity of the distress pushed this hitherto invisible population into the spotlight of public and policy attention. More than 75 days into the lockdown, after the crisis had almost...
More »Farm bills: Farmer unions in Punjab ask political parties to stay away from their protests -Jatinder Kaur Tur
-CaravanMagazine.in On 20 September, the Rajya Sabha passed two contentious bills related to the farm sector— the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill. On 22 September, it passed the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill. The Lok Sabha had earlier passed these bills amid stiff opposition from farmers. The bills introduce changes in the way agricultural...
More »Opposition Trains guns on PM CARES
-The Hindu Lok Sabha passes taxation Bill; Congress, Trinamool MPs say it is meant only to clear the fund. The Lok Sabha cleared the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Bill, 2020, here on Saturday, despite strong criticism from the Opposition which said the Bill was aimed at giving an “all clear to the PM CARES Fund”. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the Bill will replace an ordinance brought...
More »RTI Shows the Government Did Collect Data on Deaths of Migrant Workers During Lockdown -Dheeraj Mishra
-TheWire.in Despite the Indian Railways confirming that at least 80 deaths were recorded on Shramik Special Trains, the Centre refused to disclose this data in parliament. New Delhi: During the on-going parliament proceedings that began on Monday for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown was announced, 10 Lok Sabha MPs have posed questions related to the deaths of migrant workers. In question 174 (a and b), details were sought regarding the migrant...
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