-The Hindu On inflation, the Chief Economic Adviser said it is expected to be range-bound and should not exceed the prescribed level. India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 7.3% in 2020-21, as per provisional National Income estimates released by the National Statistical Office on Monday, marginally better than the 8% contraction in the economy projected earlier. GDP growth in 2019-20, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was 4%. The Gross Value Added (GVA)...
Hunger trumps politics in Bengal’s tribal district -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu With basic survival at stake, the vulnerable Sabar tribe of Lalgarh have little stomach for elections A tube well and a few houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana are new additions to Punapani village in Lalgarh, which lost seven people of the Sabar community in November 2018, reportedly due to hunger and malnutrition. Election posters and flags are not visible in Sabar basti which is part of the Jhargram Assembly...
More »Concerns mount as Adani Group seeks no fishing zone around its port
-The New Indian Express Arguing that the fishing boats and nets pose “a serious security concern and safety hazard to the ships,” Adani called for a ban on fishing in the vicinity of the port. CHENNAI: Adani Group has written to the National Hydrographic Office asking for the waters around its port in Kattupalli to be declared a ‘No fishing Zone.’ The letter dated August 26, 2019, was written within a year...
More »In Telangana, shrinking habitats lead to desperate cats and more human-animal conflicts -Swathi Vadlamudi
-The Hindu In separate incidents, two people were killed by tigers in Kumram Bheem Asifabad district of Telangana in a span of just 20 days in November last year. While the tiger population has increased, habitats have diminished leading to more man-animal conflicts, reports Swathi Vadlamudi Pedda Vagu, the sinuous stream which originates in the Kerameri Hills of the Kumram Bheem Asifabad district in north Telangana, was a silent spectator of a...
More »Fish Industry in West Bengal in Troubled Waters -Shoma A Chatterji
-TheCitizen.in Fish lovers in West Bengal may soon be threatened with a scarcity in the supply of fish or rise in price or both. The fishermen and the trawler owners are very angry. Without giving a thought to the consequences of a continuous arbitrary rise in the price of diesel, petrol, kerosene and cooking gas by the central government has led to severe disbalance in the finance and employment sector in the...
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