-The Indian Express Between September and December, when retail onion prices soared from around Rs 30 to Rs 100-plus per kg (they have since fallen to Rs 50 or so), Paswan has similarly urged state governments through Twitter to “act” against alleged hoarders of the bulb. On January 7, Union Consumer Affairs minister Ram Vilas Paswan took to Twitter, to issue a stern warning to “hoarders”, whom he blamed for “creating artificial...
Excess rain has damaged kharif crops: Skymet -TV Jayan
-The Hindu Business Line The maximum crop damage was reported from Western Madhya Pradesh, which received 61 per cent surplus rains. Excess monsoon rains and the floods caused by them affected crops in many States, including Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Punjab, according to a kharif crop damage report released by private weather forecaster Skymet on Tuesday. While 40 to 50 per cent of soyabean crop has been hit in Madhya...
More »When politics spills over to agri sector: Pulses, oilseed growers lose out to cane farmers in Maharashtra -Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express soyabean, which covers around 5.34 lh of area in the region, is being cultivated more recently, said Ashok Bhutada of the Kirti Group. Of the 70 lakh hectares (lh) of cultivated area in Marathwada, sugarcane is grown over only 2 lh. In contrast, pulses and oilseeds have a bigger share, with farmers growing them over 11.37 lh and 13.11 lh respectively. The sugar sector in the state, however,...
More »Too much of rains have spelt disaster for farmers in India's soyabean bowl -Milind Ghatwai
-The Indian Express The average modal price of soyabean in the Ujjain mandi has risen from Rs 3,576 to Rs 3,970 per quintal since the start of this month. The current rates are above the MSP of Rs 3,710 declared by the Modi government for the 2019-20 kharif season. Sehore (MP): Standing in ankle-deep water engulfing his field, Kamal Singh Dhangar takes a wild shot at the likely yield from the...
More »How the Modi government dismantled India's main defence against drought -Aarefa Johari & Nithya Subramanian
-Scroll.in From water conservation, the focus has shifted to farm irrigation. At the height of the June summer in Madhya Pradesh, Mannubai Chamariya heaved boulders from the banks of a dry stream to a site where other workers arranged them in a tiled wall, filling the gaps with cement. The work was arduous but Chamariya and the others did not mind it. They were building a small check dam in the hope that it...
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