-The Hindu Wholesale inflation at eight-month low Inflation in December eased at both the retail and wholesale levels with the consumer price index (CPI) coming in at an 18-month low and the wholesale price index (WPI) registering an eight-month low mainly due to falling fuel prices, according to two separate releases by the government on Monday. Growth in the CPI stood at 2.19% in December, down from the 2.33% registered in November. The...
Jharkhand's Starvation Deaths Raise Questions About India's Welfare Schemes -Abinash Dash Choudhury
-TheWire.in On January 1, an 80-year-old woman died of starvation. The family slipped through the many government schemes meant to provide relief. Outside her deceased mother’s rented house in Mahuadanr block of Jharkhand’s Latehar district sat Bhagiya Birjain. Bhagiya, a widow, lived in a nearby settlement after her marriage. She was the first to arrive after hearing that her mother, Budhni Birjiyan, 80, died while she was alone, on the night of...
More »PS Krishnan, former secretary to government of India, interviewed by Hridayesh Joshi (TheWire.in)
-TheWire.in In an interview with The Wire, former secretary to the government of India P.S. Krishnan says economically weaker sections require financial aid, not reservation. P.S. Krishnan, the former secretary to government of India, was one of the crucial people behind the enactment of several historic laws regarding social justice. The current Bill proposed by the government to provide reservation to economically weaker upper castes in jobs and education, he says, violates...
More »Forest land the size of Kolkata diverted for projects over past three years -Mayank Aggarwal
-Mongabay.com * In three years, India’s environment ministry approved diversion of over 20,000 hectares of forest land for developmental projects like mining, thermal power plants, irrigation, road and railway projects across India. * Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha together account for over 62 percent of the total forest land diverted during this period. * Diversion of forests for non-forestry projects has always been a contentious issue in India especially in LIGht of poor...
More »GDP and its assumptions -Arun Kumar
-The Indian Express New GDP back series does what the government needs it to — shows that growth during its term has been higher than during the UPA regime. Controversy over the growth performance of the Indian economy took another turn with The Indian Express breaking the story about Niti Aayog not allowing the back series to be announced three years back because it showed a higher growth rate during the...
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