Total Matching Records found : 507

India uproots most people for ‘progress’-Anahita Mukherji

-The Times of India Between 60 and 65 million people are estimated to have been displaced in India since Independence, the highest number of people uprooted for development projects in the world.  "This amounts to around one million displaced every year since Independence," says a report released recently by the Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR). "Of these displaced, over 40% are tribals and another 40% consist...

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Airport concessionaire made a fortune out of land acquired at Rs. 4 per square yard from Delhi farmers - Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar

Farmers, whose land was acquired at a meagre Rs. 4 per square yard in South West Delhi way back in 1955 in the name of undertaking planned development, have now seized upon the opportunity raised by the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India — on the loss caused to the exchequer by leasing away of some of this very land by Indira Gandhi International Airport concessionaire Delhi...

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Owner's nightmare, realtor's fantasy-A Srivathsan

By not resolving the definition of ‘public purpose,' the Land Acquisition Bill keeps the door open for misuse It has taken more than 110 years for the government to draft a new Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill. But despite mounting evidence of widespread misuse of government authority in taking over farm land and the increasing protests against the legal ambiguity that abets such exploitative practices, the revised legislation remains dubiously...

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Govt to continue provision for allowing land acquisition for PPP projects: Jairam Ramesh

-The Economic Times Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has backed state intervention in acquiring land for public-private partnership (PPP) projects, going against the recommendations of the parliamentary standing committee that scrutinized the bill. "The government must have a role in land acquisition," Ramesh told a news conference. "We must recognize that we are not at a stage of development where government's role can be 'eliminated." The minister said he did not support the...

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Land acquisition bill: Sharma, Ramesh pick holes

-The Hindustan Times A day after a parliamentary panel sought to end state intervention in land acquisition for industry — both private and PPP, two cabinet ministers expressed their disagreement with its main recommendation. “State governments must have a role in land acquisition process — more so at a time when industrialisation and urbanisation have become inevitable and desirable,” minister for rural development Jairam Ramesh said. “Country has not yet reached...

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