-The Indian Express In 2014-15, the government spent Rs 5,721 crore under nine schemes formulated by the Government of India to provide social security cover to the unorganised workers. Ahmedabad: During the ten-year period between 2001-11 when the number of landless agricultural workers decreased in states like Kerala and Goa, it rose in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. As per the Census 2011, there are about 14.43 crore landless...
Somalia remark: Food for thought -Viju B
-The Times of India It would be fair to the impoverished tribals of Attapadi if both chief minister Oommen Chandy and CM-in-waiting Pinarayi Vijayan get their acts right before politicizing the tribal issue and blaming Prime Minster Narendra Modi for 'insulting the people of Kerala.' A detailed study done by research scholars of Chittur College, Palakkad - analyzing the livelihood status of tribes in Attapadi block revealed that the Human Development...
More »Bin Aadhaar plea: Govt
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Centre today urged the Supreme Court to dismiss Congress Rajya Sabha member Jairam Ramesh's petition challenging the Aadhaar law, contending that an act passed by Parliament was immune from judicial challenge. "The fact is that the law has been passed as a money bill and the Speaker has confirmed it. It is immune from any judicial challenge," attorney-general Mukul Rohatgi told a bench headed by Chief Justice...
More »308 districts in India facing shortage of potable water
-PTI Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have reported the most number of districts, 50 and 46 respectively, affected due to water shortage New Delhi: Over 300 districts in 13 states of the country, including Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, are facing shortage of drinking water, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Monday. “...as reported by the states, 308 districts are affected in respect of shortage of drinking water supply in...
More »Drought fails to dampen foodgrain output -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com New Delhi: Despite widespread drought in 11 states across the country, India’s foodgrain production is actually set to grow marginally, the third advance estimates released by the agriculture ministry on Monday showed. Total foodgrain production in 2015-16 is estimated at 252.23 million tonnes, marginally higher than 252.02 million tonnes produced in 2014-15, the data shows. If the estimates hold up, it would imply that the damage to the agrarian economy is less...
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