-The Indian Express Shiv Sena has called for a bandh in Palghar, in the adjoining Thane district, on Wednesday in protest against the suspension of police officers who had arrested two girls over a Facebook post, criticising shutdown during Bal Thackeray's funeral. Shiv Sena MLA from Thane Eknath Shinde said the call for the bandh was given by the party's local unit. Criticising the suspension of the two police officers, he said, "The...
PWD makes trees choke on concrete -Jayashree Nandi
-The Times of India If you are worried about trees facing a hostile environment in the city, here is some more grim news. Many old trees across the city are struggling to survive as their roots are being choked by concrete. One such stretch is on Press Enclave Road where a number of Alstonia or Saptaparni trees are getting choked with concrete and cement tiles as part of Delhi government's pavement...
More »Dalits, caste Hindus clash in Cuddalore
-The Indian Express Tension prevailed in Cuddalore district on Tuesday after members of a Scheduled Caste Community and caste Hindus clashed this morning. A few huts of Dalit families were ransacked and set on fire. police said trouble began when a girl belonging to a Hindu community was allegedly taunted by a Dalit youth in Pacharapalayam village in Cuddalore. The girl’s relatives and others took on the Dalit families in the area...
More »Striking at the root of corruption -Shailaja Chandra
-The Hindu Cleansing political parties and elections of illegal money is the first step towards tackling the evil of graft Corruption is nothing but a reflection of the distribution of power within societies. The country is where it is because the political system is self-perpetrating and no party is accountable to anyone except a coterie of people that dominates all decisions. Unless the political system is accountable, going after individual cases of...
More »FB Post Row: Two Cops Suspended for Arresting Girls
-Outlook Mumbai: The Maharashtra government today suspended two police officers, including a Superintendent of police, following the row over the arrest of two girls from Palghar in neighbouring Thane district for a Facebook post on the shutdown in Mumbai for Bal Thackeray's funeral. SP (Thane rural) Ravindra Sengaonkar and senior police inspector Shrikant Pingle have been suspended in the case, state's Home Minister R R Patil told reporters. He said action has been...
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