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Govt converges MPLAD & MGNREGA to create more durable assets

-PTI The government on Monday announced convergence of the Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) scheme with the rural employment guarantee scheme MGNREGA for creating more durable assets in the country.  "Statistics and Programme Implementation Minister Srikant Kumar Jena has approved convergence of MPLAD scheme with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)," an official statement said here.  According to the statement, it was done after government received representations to converge...

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RTE fails to improve country’s education system by Darshana Ramdev

When the Right to Education Act was enforced in April 2010, it looked like millions of schoolchildren could dare to dream. The Act guarantees access to schools, a target that has been met, with the enrolment rate at 90% among children in first grade. The Act demands schools to meet certain requirements, including infrastructure (building, libra-ry, kitchen, toilets), teacher-student ratio, teaching hours etc. However, far from helping improve the situation,...

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Govt looks to speed up mega projects by Sidhartha

Facing criticism over project delays, the government has decided to get cracking and set up a dedicated forum to remove bottlenecks such as coal linkages and environmental and defence clearances that hold up projects.  Top government officials told TOI that following the meeting of the Prime Minister's Council on Trade & Industry last month, the department of industrial policy and promotion has been asked to identify projects and remove bottlenecks in...

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Higher spending on education is not improving dismal outcomes

-The Economic Times   India came 72nd of 73 nations in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) competition, despite fielding students from its best states, Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The dismal quality of Indian education is confirmed by the latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER).  Throwing money (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) and legislation (Right to Education Act) at education has produced no quality gains at all. Abhiyan spending is up from...

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Before we change their lives forever by Vishvajit Pandya

The widespread outrage following the telecast of video footage of Jarawa men and women dancing for tourists is both heartening and disappointing. Heartening because the media made a rather unusual attempt to address the existential challenges of a people known to us as 'primitives' and disappointing because it failed to generate a nuanced debate. The 30-second TV slots accorded to 'experts' and stakeholders served to polarise opinion on the incident...

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