-The Hindu Tamil Nadu tops the list, followed by Haryana As many as 282 people have died while cleaning sewers and septic tanks in the country between 2016 and November 2019, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment said in a response to a question by Rajya Sabha MP Vandana Chavan. Among the States, Tamil Nadu has recorded 40 deaths, the highest in number, in these four years. This is followed by Haryana...
Common documents enough to prove citizenship: Home Ministry -Vijaita Singh
-The Hindu The NRC was the next step of the NPR. After the NRC ended, citizens would be given unique cards, the official said. The Ministry of Home Affairs on Friday said guidelines for the National Register of Citizens (NRC) were yet to be drafted but Citizenship of India may be proved by giving any document relating to date of birth or place of birth or both. “Such a list is...
More »After West Bengal, now Kerala puts population register update on hold -KS Sudhi
-The Hindu The decision comes in the wake of apprehension that updating the NPR would eventually lead to the preparation of the National Register of Citizens Following the footsteps of West Bengal, the Kerala Government has decided to put on hold all proceedings for updating the National Population Register (NPR). The Government decision comes after The Hindu broke the news of updating of the register on Friday. The State Government has in principle decided...
More »A tale of two demands -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu Dr. Singh and the CPI(M) demanded citizenship for Bangla refugees, but not on the basis of their religion During the debate on the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), 2019, BJP Rajya Sabha MP, J.P. Nadda, alluded to comments by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2003 asking for grant of citizenship to minorities who have faced persecution in Bangladesh. He said the government was only implementing this demand. Is the government’s...
More »Minorities within majority face persecution in Indian subcontinent -Vignesh Radhakrishnan
-The Hindu The Citizenship (Amendment) Act provides a path for citizenship to minorities (non-Muslims) from three Muslim majority nations - Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Data show that religious minorities, including Muslims, in other neighboring countries such as Myanmar, China and Sri Lanka also face persecution. In many countries, minority sects within the majority religions (including Islam) are also persecuted. According to UN estimates, there are over 51 lakh international migrants in India...
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