Panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh this time have seen unusual candidates jumping into the fray. There are teachers, shopkeepers, businessmen, relatives of politicians and even wives of BSP ministers. Some of them took leave from their normal work and some even sold their properties to take part in the polls. All claim they want to serve their village, block or district, but it is alleged that the lure of money pouring...
Indian Dalits' suffering laid bare by photographer by Robert Brown
Dalit activist Meena Kandasamy: This is something that has to be changed Dalits make up more than 16% of India's population of one billion. Yet, despite years of campaigning and state intervention, many of them still face discrimination in society. Their hardship has been highlighted at an exhibition in London. A little girl leans against a stained turquoise concrete wall. You first notice her face, which appears deep in thought - then your...
More »Nod for cash scheme for pregnant women, lactating mothers by Aarti Dhar
To be implemented in 52 districts Cash incentives to be based on certain conditions The scheme will be implemented through ICDS NEW DELHI: To improve maternal and child health, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Wednesday approved the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) — a monetary scheme for pregnant women and lactating mothers — on a PILot basis in 52 districts in this Five-Year Plan. Each pregnant and lactating woman will receive...
More »Conditional maternity benefit scheme launched by Aarti Dhar
Centre will implement it on a PILot basis in 52 districts To improve maternal and child health, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Wednesday approved the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) — a monetary scheme for pregnant women and lactating mothers — on a PILot basis in 52 districts in this Five-Year Plan. Each pregnant and lactating woman will receive Rs. 4,000 in three instalments between the second trimester of...
More »Members trash chairman’s dissent report on Posco
The members of the Meena Gupta Committee , who argued for cancellation of clearances for the Posco project in Orissa, on Tuesday began to mount pressure on the government to accept their view. Three members of the review panel — former director of the Forest Survey of India Devendra Pandey, civil rights activist and advocate V Suresh and tribal affairs expert Urmila Pingle — have submitted their response to the minority...
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