-The Indian Express The FIR, registered late on Sunday, was based on a complaint filed by deputy taluka development officer at Amirgadh, Dharmesh Kumar Vyas, said Amirgadh police station sub inspector TJ Desai. Ahmedabad: Two days after independent MLA Jignesh Mevani and Gujarat Congress working president Hardik Patel alleged a multi-crore scam in a single village of Amirgadh taluka in Banaskantha district, wherein job cards were issued and bank accounts were opened...
A year on, Article 370 and Kashmir mythmaking -Happymon Jacob
-The Hindu The August 5 decision has led to a state wherein the very basis of a potential step of conflict resolution has been undone While the long-standing ideological commitment of the Bharatiya Janata Party to undo Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is why Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was stripped of its special status as well as Statehood making it a simmering cauldron of discontent, our collective mythmaking about Kashmir is...
More »Assam floods: Children account for 44.5 per cent of deaths -Tora Agarwala
-The Indian Express In a particularly devastating flood in Assam this year, 49 children have been reported dead so far. Guwahati: On June 1, a 13-year-old in Assam’s Nagaon district drowned while chasing ducks in a flooded river near his house. A month later, on July 1, a six-year-old slipped and fell into the slushy waters of the Champabati river, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, in Dhubri district while making her way...
More »Over 80% rise in heat wave days in 2019, Rajasthan worst-hit -Aanchal Magazine
-The Indian Express The data shows that acute respiratory infection led to 3,740 deaths in 2018 -- the highest in six years (according to these provisional estimates). The highest number of deaths due to acute respiratory infection were reported in West Bengal (732), followed by Uttar Pradesh (699), Andhra Pradesh (587), Delhi (492). After declining for two years, the average number of heat wave days increased 82.6 per cent year-on-year to 157...
More »PM-KISAN is not reaching all farmer households as intended -Bornali Bhandari, Santanu Pramanik and Sonalde Desai
-The Indian Express Given this uncertainty over the reach of PM-KISAN and its targeting, the relevance of the scheme needs to be carefully evaluated during this period. The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) is the first universal basic income-type of scheme targeted towards landed farmers. It was introduced in December 2018 to manage agricultural stress. Initially, the scheme was targeted at small and medium landed farmers, but with the declining growth...
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