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Food law adrift as government trims grain purchases -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-The Business Standard The NDA is looking to reduce fiscal deficit not by chopping social sector spending but by paring it down Finance Minister Arun Jaitley is fairly confident the government will meet this year's fiscal deficit target. At 4.1 per cent of gross domestic product the deficit looked looked like a bit of stretch in July but the food subsidy, for one, is not going to balloon as in previous years. The...

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Power to the people -Sunila S Kale

-The Indian Express This July, I spoke with a farmer in Angul district, Odisha. During the kharif season, most of his 45-acre farm is devoted to paddy, but during the rabi season, he grows a variety of pulses, oilseeds and vegetables. He is currently president of the village watershed committee, working to implement an impressive programme to halt soil erosion and water runoff. He pointed out newly constructed contour and farm...

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NC Saxena, Former secretary-Rural Development Ministry and former member of the NAC, interviewed by Aditi Phadnis

-The Business Standard   NC Saxena, a former member of the National Advisory Council believes that the regulatory regime in the states continues to be oppressive. In an e-maiLED interview with Aditi Phadnis, Saxena says that the fundamental problem in India is the low tax-GDP ratio and neither the last government nor the current one seems interested in increasing revenues. Edited excerpts: * The new government appears to be watering down a lot...

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Black Diwali: Six farmers commit suicide in Vidarbha

-DNA It's been a black Diwali for Vidarbha where six farmers - four from Yavtamal and one each from Akola and Amravati - have committed suicide in the last 24 hours, casting a dark cloud over what should have been a time for rejoicing after the kharif crop. The farmers who ended their lives are Rajendra Chahand of Kelzara village, Dutta Chede of Umari (Pathar), Nagraj Mahadolhe of Parva, Arun Kurnule of...

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MGNREGA impact on food inflation is very limited, says RBI study -Jitendra

-Down to Earth There are other factors for food price inflation, says the study commissioned in the wake of persistent double digit food price inflation between 2012-13 The rural job scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), which guarantees 100 days of unskilLED job to rural households in a year, has been blamed by a number of economists for food price inflation. But a new study by the Reserve Bank...

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