-The Hindu Rain on Tuesday brought partial relief to Uttarakhand, where operations to put out forest fires continue on a war footing. Nainital: Showers were experienced in the higher reaches of Rudraprayag, including Kedarnath and Gaurikund. Parts of Uttarkashi, Chamoli and Pithoragarh districts also received light rain. “Light to moderate rain will be experienced throughout the State by Wednesday morning. This will continue for 72 hours,” Director of the Dehradun Meteorological Centre...
Revised MGNREGA wages put States in a quandary
-PTI State govts fear that the new rates would not be able to attract labourers because they are still below the existing minimum wages fixed by the states. The revised MGNREGA wages for the current fiscal announced recently have left various state governments in a quandary as they apprehend the new rates would not be able to attract labourers because they are still below the existing minimum wages fixed by the...
More »Collecting honey to improve their lot -M Balaganessin
-The Hindu Apiculture is one of the vocations thrown open to 30 tribal farmers of Pachamalai TIRUCHI: The Integrated Tribal Development Programme being implemented by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in Pachamalai, about 90 km from here, has been ensuring economic uplift of poor landless labourers. A number of vocations have been introduced for their benefit as per their needs, interest and taste. Many tribal persons have responded positively....
More »55 lakh tonnes of pulses imported
-PTI New Delhi: As part of efforts to check rise in pulse prices, India imported 55.1 lakh tonnes of lentil valued at $3,690.3 million in April-February of 2015-16, Parliament was informed today. The country had imported 45.8 lakh tonnes of pulses valued at $2,786.1 million in 2014-15 and 36.4 lakh tonnes at $2,119.3 million in 2013-14, according to a written reply to the Rajya Sabha by Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. “To...
More »Poll-bound states report surge in MGNREGA job numbers -Shalini Nair and Harish Damodaran
-The Financial Express West Bengal, Assam and Tamil Nadu — states that are currently in assembly elections mode — have registered huge spurt in job numbers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Act (MGNREGA). West Bengal, where the Trinamool Congress under Mamata Banerjee is fighting to retain power, saw a record 28.66 crore person-days of employment being generated under MGNREGA during the year ended March 31, 2016. This represented a...
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