-DNA Karnataka chief minister BS Yeddyurappa on Friday said that POSCO plant would not come to Gadag district without farmers’ consent. Speaking in Hubli where he arrived for a two-day state BJP executive meet, Yeddyurappa reiterated that only if the seers and farmers arrived at a “consensus” on setting up of the project, he would consider the project’s implementation in the district. “The Rs30,000-crore steel project by Korean major POSCO will...
Karnataka govt stalls land acquisition process for POSCO by Vijay Kumar
THE LAND acquisition process for Posco in Gadag district of Karnataka has been called off by the Karnataka government owing to intensified opposition from the farmers. A day after Karnataka Chief Minister Yeddyurappa announced that land acquisition for Posco project in Gadag will be called off and the project will be shifted elsewhere, around 40 villagers from Halligudi met him in Bangalore on Thursday and expressed their willingness to give up...
More »Posco's Karnataka steel plant plans in doldrums
-IANS South Korean giant Posco's plan to set up a six million tonnes per annum steel plant in Karnataka is in doldrums with the state government dropping plans to acquire land, in the face of opposition from farmers and religious leaders. "Even if the farmers agree to give land, we will not acquire it in Gadag district," Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa told reporters Thursday. "If Posco is interested in setting...
More »Farm sector in distress by Pavan Kumar H
The fear of losing their land for setting up industrial establishments, as is the case at present in Gadag, is not the only worry for farmers in Karnataka. The farmers in the State appeared to be a distressed lot even with farm lands in their possession. Contrary to what the State Home Department would want us to believe, the State Crime Records Bureau’s (SCRB) report portrays a dismal picture of the incidence...
More »BSY halts land acquisitions by Johnson TA
Bangalore : Under pressure from religious leaders, farmers and opposition parties, the Karnataka government has decided to shelve acquisition of over 5,000 acres of land for two major industrial projects in Mangalore and Gadag districts. On Tuesday, the government gave in to a 24-hour ultimatum issued by the seer of Udupi Pejawar Mutt, Visvesha Thirtha, to withdraw a move to acquire 2,035 acres of land for an SEZ in Mangalore. On Wednesday,...
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