-The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on India to lead the way in improving health services for women and children, stressing that addressing this issue is a crucial investment in the future of the South Asian nation. "Around the world, some eight million women and children die from preventable causes each year. Almost two million of them are Indian," Mr. Ban said in his remarks at a reception in support...
Govt study fixes Poverty line at Rs 66 for cities and Rs 35 for villages by Rajeev Deshpande
Here is a new set of official statistics that can escalate the politically contentious debate on what constitutes the Poverty line. If the average monthly consumption expenditure is taken as the benchmark of what an individual needs to survive, the Poverty linewould be Rs 66.10 for urban areas and Rs 35.10 for rural regions, while about 65% of the population will be below this cutoff. The figures, based on the 66th round...
More »It's Official: India's growth is jobless
The robust 9 per cent –plus growth in South Asia till 2010, driven largely by India, where it came down to around 7 per cent in 2011-12, had one major qualifier: it was mostly associated with a rapid rise in labour productivity rather than an expansion in employment, according to the latest report Global Employment Trends from International Labour Office. Up until the end of the millennium, that is just a...
More »India facing shortage of statisticians, govt tells parliamentary committee
-The Economic Times One in four posts of government statisticians are lying vacant, the government has told a parliamentary committee. The news comes amidst repeated criticism by analysts of the quality of official government data in recent months. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has told the parliament standing committee on finance that there are about 26% vacancies in the Indian statistical Services and Subordinate Statistical Service. According to the report...
More »Transformation for the better-Aakar Patel
Rudyard Kipling opens his superb novel with the street urchin Kim teasing the son of a wealthy man. Kim kicks Chota Lal, whose father, Lala Dinanath, is worth half-a-million sterling, off the trunnion of the mighty cannon Zam-Zammah. Kipling loved India and wrote that it was the only democratic place in the world. It warms us to read this, but of course this was quite untrue in Kipling’s time and...
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