-The Hindu West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced here on Wednesday her government's decision to increase the number of those to whom rice is being made available at Rs. 2 a kg. “The poor do not get food; we have decided to ensure that all do,” she said while announcing a new scheme of food for the poor after a meeting with the Food and Supplies Minister, Jyotipriya Mallick, and...
New PDS for Jangalmahal
-The Times of India The state government on Wednesday came out with a new public distribution system for the people of Jangalmahal. After holding a meeting with food minister Jyotipriya Mullick, chief minister Mamata Banerjee said that a decision has been taken to provide rice at Rs 2 a kg to all communities in Jangalmahal. "There are many people in Jangalmahal who don't get proper food. Previously, those belonging to...
More »Agrarian distress by Utsa Patnaik
The farmers' struggle against land acquisition only shows that from passive forms of protest they have turned to active forms of resistance. THE recent agitation by farmers in Uttar Pradesh against cropland acquisition for non-agricultural purposes is only the latest in a long series of protests by farmers and rural communities, which started a decade ago in different parts of the country and which gathered momentum over the past five...
More »Debt-ridden farmer commits suicide by Debajyoti Chakraborty
Brajendra Ghosh (45), a farmer, committed suicide allegedly by consuming pesticide at Durmut village in Mangalkote on Sunday morning. He was declared dead on arrival at the Katwa Hospital. In the recent past, several cases of farmer suicides have come to light. But this is the first such case due to debt in the rice bowl of the state after the new government led by Mamata Banerjee stormed into power....
More »Food prices 'will double by 2030', Oxfam warns
-BBC The prices of staple foods will more than double in 20 years unless world leaders take action to reform the global food system, Oxfam has warned. By 2030, the average cost of key crops will increase by between 120% and 180%, the charity forecasts. Half of that increase will be caused by climate change, Oxfam predicts, in its report Growing a Better Future. It calls on world leaders to improve regulation of...
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