-The Hindu Geeta Dharmarajan, founder of Katha, which has just completed 25 years of reaching out to the unreached in the National Capital. Scrolling down the students' blog of Katha, the non-profit organisation in the National Capital which runs schools for underprivileged children living in 248 slums, I come across a complaint letter by a child addressed to the Chairman, Municipal Corporation of Delhi. The child wants to bring to his notice...
India officially undercounts all crimes including rape-Rukmini S
-The Hindu Only the ‘principal offence' in an FIR gets into NCRB data The National Crime Records Bureau, India's official source of crime data, is systematically undercounting virtually every crime in India on account of a statistical shortcoming, The Hindu has learnt. The December 16 gang rape, which prompted much examination of data on sexual assault in the country, will not even figure in NCRB data on rape owing to this statistical flaw. The...
More »Farmers demand price as per new Land Acquisition Bill
-PTI Farmers in Cheyyur in Tamil Nadu have demanded compensation as per rates fixed in the legislation for their farm lands Kancheepuram (TN): Even before the Land Acquisition Bill receives Presidential Assent and became an act, farmers in Cheyyur in Tamil Nadu have demanded compensation as per rates fixed in the legislation for their farm lands sought to be acquired by a subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation for a power plant. The farmers...
More »Database error: Why Delhi's failed experiment shows government should not use them -M Rajshekhar
-The Economic Times In the leaky system of welfare delivery, databases are the newest valve that governments are installing to ensure that benefits reach those-and only those -they are intended for. Since December 2012, for instance, the government of Madhya Pradesh has been appending on to the Centre's Socio Economic and Caste Census a host of household-level data: bank account numbers, NREGA card numbers, welfare entitlements, land ownership, whether their house is...
More »Food waste harms cLIMate, water, land and biodiversity–new FAO report
-FAO Direct economic costs of $750 billion annually - Better policies required, and "success stories" need to be scaled up and replicated Rome: The waste of a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year is not only causing major economic losses but also wreaking significant harm on the natural resources that humanity relies upon to feed itself, says a new FAO report. Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources is the first...
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