A day after the arrest of the Mumbai-based Dalit activist and editor of Vidrohi magazine, Sudhir Dhawle (42), by the Gondia police in Wardha on charges of waging a war against the State, more than 150 Human Rights activists, social activists, writers and journalists protested here on Tuesday against the detention. Mr. Dhawle, also a freelance journalist, was arrested on charges of having links with the banned Communist Party of India...
‘Justice Balakrishnan should resign, face probe' by J Venkatesan
The former Member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Sudarshan Agarwal, has appealed to NHRC Chairman K.G. Balakrishnan to resign and face an enquiry. Mr. Agarwal, who is also a former Governor of Uttarakhand and Sikkim, in a letter written to Justice Balakrishnan on December 29, 2010, said: “It is with deep pain and anguish — nay, with a deep sense of shock — that I read in the national...
More »India Journal: Why Vedanta Lost and Posco Looks Like a Winner by Rupa Subramanya Dehejia
Two large industrial projects, one poor state, two likely different outcomes — and a long-haired, flamboyant environment minister-turned-crusader starring in both. No, this is not your latest blockbuster but it has the makings of one. As reported Monday, Posco, the South Korean steelmaker, cleared a major regulatory hurdle in its bid for a massive steel project in Orissa. An environment ministry panel gave clearance for an initial steel production capacity of...
More »‘Binayak conviction a travesty of justice'
Condemning the conviction of physician and Human Rights activist Binayak Sen as a travesty of justice, more than 250 physicians, medical professionals and students here on Tuesday demanded his immediate and unconditional release. Dr. Sen along with Maoist ideologue Narayan Sanyal and city-based businessman Pijush Guha was sentenced to life imprisonment on December 24 by a Raipur court on charges of criminal conspiracy to commit sedition under Section 124(a) of IPC. Assembling...
More »Wealth glare on second CJI son-in-law by John Mary
Yet another son-in-law of former Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan has been accused of amassing wealth disproportionate to his declared income in Kerala’s commercial hub of Kochi. Land registration documents show that advocate M.J. Benny, husband of Balakrishnan’s younger daughter K.B. Rani, bought nearly one acre of land under five different title deeds in fast-growing Marad, near the site of a proposed hi-tech city, for a total Rs 81 lakh...
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