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Government's treasure trove: Gifts netas got, and what they took home by Hemali Chhapia

In the expansive corridors of the ministry of external affairs, there's an interesting 'section' that few citizens are aware of. It's the gift chest of the Indian government or the 'toshakhana', where ministers, bureaucrats and dignitaries are supposed to deposit all the gifts they receive on their trips abroad.  The toshakhana stores some amazing presents, from jewellery, silverware and paintings to wine and even couture (Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was, strangely...

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Mobiles can affect pacemakers: DoT by Kounteya Sinha

People with medical implants like pacemakers must not keep their cellphones on their shirt pockets.  The latest directive by the department of telecommunication (DoT) says that "people having active medical implants should preferably keep the cellphone at least 15cm away from the implant."  An office memorandum, circulated by the ministry of communications and IT on January 25, says manufacturer's mobile handset booklets will have to contain the safety precaution.  MoS for communications and...

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CNT Act provisions: Bank credit denied to tribal people by Santosh Narayan

Chhotanagpur Tenancy (CNT) Act-1908 came into existence to safeguard rights of the tribals, especially on their traditional landholdings. It is not very clear how much the Act has been successful in assuring the rights to the traditional dwellers, though it is an open secret that it has denied them access to bank credits, thus hampering them financially. Latest figures suggest that bank loans to Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste have moved...

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Twin gains from 2G verdict by MJ Antony

The power of judicial review envelopes natural resource distribution The tsunami created by the 2G spectrum judgments of the the Supreme Court last week has almost mopped up the ripples they made in the legal sphere. However, they deserve respectful consideration for their discussion on two hot issues that have been agitating public mind in recent years. The first is the nature and ownership of natural resources, like air waves and spectrum,...

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DN Jha, historian of ancient India and the author of ‘The Myth of the Holy Cow' interviewed by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta

Interview with D.N. Jha, historian of ancient India and the author of ‘The Myth of the Holy Cow'. IN his career spanning more than 25 years, Dwijendra Narayan Jha, an eminent historian of ancient India, has dispelled many Hindutva myths. He has used ancient Indian literary and archaeological sources to show that much of the Hindutva propaganda is based on false premises. His book The Myth of the Holy Cow shows...

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