-The Hindu Jagdish Bhagwati's attacks on Amartya Sen are based on a series of misattributions and obscure the real issues on which the two economists differ Rich and lively public debates are the raison d'être of any democracy. But the recent attacks by Professor Jagdish Bhagwati on Dr. Amartya Sen confound the real issues on which Sen and Bhagwati differ. Bhagwati tries to position himself as a proponent of growth that would benefit...
Global food prices continue to drop
-FAO Prices of cereals and oils decrease - FAO expects bumper cereal harvest this year Rome: The FAO Food Price Index dropped for the fourth month in a row in August reaching its lowest level since June 2012. The index, which measures the monthly change in the international prices of a basket of food commodities, averaged 201.8 points in August 2013, nearly 4 points (1.9 percent) below its July value and 11 points...
More »NAC calls for human resource departments at ministries dealing with social programmes -Yogima Seth Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: A working group of the Sonia-Gandhi-led National Advisory Council has called for the creation of dedicated human resource departments at central ministries dealing with social programmes to ensure better delivery of the government's flagship schemes. The working group has suggested that the proposed HR wings should be entrusted with the responsibility of framing guidelines for recruitment and training of frontline workers, besides laying down key performance indicators...
More »Earth is warming up but not as rapidly as predicted-Nitin Sethi
-The Hindu New IPCC report raises questions over urgency or seriousness of cLIMate change The cLIMate has not been warming over the past 15 years at rates predicted earlier, the latest report of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on CLIMate Change (IPCC), to be released September end, is going to say. The report is also going to accept that carbon dioxide gas concentration in atmosphere may not be as potent in causing global temperature...
More »Gas-guzzling government talks austerity, burns crores -Sidhartha & Surojit Gupta
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: While ministers toy with all kinds of ideas to curb consumption of oil, including bizarre ones such as shutting down petrol pumps at night, it might help if they looked inwards. For, the biggest and most profligate oil consumer in the country is the government itself. Petrol flows like water in the government. Not just ministers and officials of the central and state governments, even PSUs...
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