-The Indian Express On April 26, 2007, the Delhi Police Special Cell claimed to have arrested three Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives — one a Pakistani and two of Jammu and Kashmir — from Dilli Haat along with RDX, electronic detonators and grenades, and that this had foiled a fidayeen attack planned during celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the first war of Independence. After five years of trial, additional sessions judge (north), Tis...
Rape story, the anatomy of reportage-Seemi Pasha
-CNN-IBN When I was asked to travel to Haryana for a ground report on the sudden spurt in the number of rape cases being reported from the state, I frankly didn't think the story was worth much. The number stood at eight rapes in about 25 days...eight was just a figure, a number, a statistic...I didn't see a story, I didn't see the trauma, I didn't see the pain. The night...
More »Karat, others booked for clashing with police during protest against rapes in Haryana -Deepender Deswal
-The Times of India ROHTAK: The Rohtak police have registered a case against CPM politburo member Brinda Karat and several other activists in connection with a violent clash with police during a march in Rohtak on Monday to protest the spate of rape incidents in Haryana. The protest, organized by All-India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) - the women frontal organisation of CPM, was led by Karat and attended by around 400 activists. They...
More »Set up helplines, women’s cell in districts, Centre tells Haryana -Sandeep Joshi
-The Hindu Experts call for special police training to deal with rape victims In the wake of a spurt in the number of rape cases being reported from Haryana, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs has directed the State government to set up a women’s cell in every district and ask the State police chief to take action against district police chiefs who fail act against such crimes. The Ministry has also asked...
More »FDI in Retail: A Low-down on the Falsehood over an Exclusionary Policy-Kamal Nayan Kabra
-Mainstream Weekly Intense and motivated propaganda, powerful national and international diplomatic pressure, verging on pure and simple arms-twisting of the kind the Third World has been facing for decades by means of the active role of the econo-mic hit-men in the policy establishments, huge cash-back lobbying, both in India and abroad, blunt attempts to bamboozle the persons holding key positions in India’s policy establishment through a combination of hissing and kissing...
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