Total Matching Records found : 5095

“India will achieve sanitation goals only by 2054”-Aarti Dhar

While it has made progress on water supply, a high percentage continue to defecate in the open   Going by the present pace of progress, India will achieve the millennium development goals (MDGs) on sanitation only by 2054. While some States had already achieved the target and some are close to it, other populous States such as Madhya Pradesh and Orissa will reach the target only in the next century, according to...

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Tobacco-related cancers, cervical cancer cause most deaths in India by R Prasad

A new study looking at cancer mortality in 2010 in India found a high 71 per cent (3,95,400) deaths in people between 30 and 69 years. Cancer accounted for 8 per cent of the 2·5 million total male deaths and 12 per cent of the 1·6 million total female deaths in the same age group. The high mortality rate during the middle age is very different from the developed countries,...

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Amnesty report records executions worldwide-Narayan Lakshman

The breakneck speed of executions in China combined with the sparse data availability has led Amnesty International to say in its annual report on government-sanctioned killings that the “thousands of people who were believed to have been executed in China in 2011” could not be included in its study. In its report Death Sentences and Execution 2011 , Amnesty says at least 20 countries are known to have carried out executions....

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Cancer killed 5.3 lakh in India in 2011-Kounteya Sinha

Tata Memorial Hospital, Lancet, Centre for Global Health Research and University of Toronto jointly releases study findings on cancer mortality in India in 2010.  The findings are:  There were 5.56 lakh cancer deaths in India in 2010.  71% (3.95 lakhs) of these deaths occurred in people aged 30-69 years (2 lakh men and 1.95 lakh women).  Cancer deaths accounted for 6% of deaths across all ages, but among the 30-69 years age group, this...

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For Indian Women, Divorce Is a Raw Deal by Pamposh Raina

Much has been written about divorce being on the rise in India, sometimes accompanied by hand-wringing about the egos and inflexibility of younger couples, who seem less willing than their parents to stay in marriages they are not happy with. National statistics don’t exist on divorce in India, but some local records do show a rise. Still, some experts say the divorce rate in India continues to be artificially low, because...

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