-The Hindu Rajya Sabha returns Aadhaar Bill to Lok Sabha with OppoSITion amendments . Even as the OppoSITion aired its concerns over the possibility of mass surveillance, Parliament passed the controversial Aadhaar Bill, 2016, after acrimonious debates in both Houses. In a day marked by high drama, hours after the OppoSITion succeeded in pushing through five amendments to the Bill in the Rajya Sabha, they were rejected in the Lok Sabha. The amendments...
Aadhaar bill is through after OppoSITion scores a few brownie points
-The Indian Express The process of return of the bill saw an animated debate over why it was brought as a money bill. Since it was a money Bill, it could not be rejected or amended by Rajya Sabha Hours after the OppoSITion, making most of the NDA’s lack of numbers in Rajya Sabha, pushed through five amendments and returned the Aadhaar Bill to Lok Sabha, the Lower House rejected the changes...
More »Jharkhand: Crisis-hit residents build dams to check groundwater slide -Sanjoy Dey
-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Reshma Devi, 50, wakes up at 4 every morning and walks a kilometer to fetch water from a government pipeline. The only water source in her locality, a tube well, has dried up. And she has not enough money to buy water being sold at Rs 20 for 50 litres. Devi, a resident of Ranchi’s Yamuna Nagar, is not alone. More than 15,000 residents of 12 localities spread over...
More »Can the BJP take back the Rajya Sabha after the Assembly elections? -Aditi Phadnis
-Business Standard In the balance hangs the GST Bill, which enjoys some support across the aisle, but has been blocked in the Upper House by the Congress and some of its allies Will this be the year the BJP-led NDA gets a working majority in the Rajya Sabha? Consider that nearly 75 MPs in the Rajya Sabha will retire and be replaced by new faces. Some of them – like Venkaiah Naidu, Nirmala SITharaman...
More »How reforms killed Indian manufacturing -Ashok Parthasarathi
-The Hindu As the government pushes for ‘Make in India’, it could begin by unmaking the damage the post-1991 reforms inflicted on domestic industry. This year marks 25 years since the so-called “economic reforms” were launched in July 1991. By now, broad contours of the policies and practices that characterised such reforms are well known, viz. radical deregulation, marketisation and privatisation of the industrial, technological and financial sectors, and an across-the-board...
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