-The Hindu Incidents took place during Bakrid on August 1 and Ram temple bhoomi pujan on August 5. Chennai: The police have decided to register cases against thousands of Muslims and Hindus on charges of violating prohibitory orders promulgated under Section 144 of the CrPC and pARTicipating in religious events during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown. Muslims held special prayers and offered qurbani (slaughtering of cattle) across the State on July 31/August 1 in...
It’s time to localise our food economy -PVS Suryakumar
-The Hindu Business Line The breaking down of supply chains during Covid has exposed the perils of centralisation. Giving a boost to boutique shops that promote local, nutritious and sustainable food is the way forward The first Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi was from Champaran in April 1917. He protested against the high-handedness of the British who coaxed peasants to cultivate ndigo as a cash-crop and later dictated prices. Farmers starved as food...
More »MHA’s Clause 6 panel sets 1951 as year to determine Assamese -Abhishek Saha
-The Indian Express As protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act spiralled across Assam since December last year, the Sarbananda Sonowal-led state government promised a speedy implementation of Clause 6 as an antidote to the agitation and a measure to protect the interests of the “indigenous” people of Assam. A high-level committee on implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam Accord constituted by the Ministry of Home Affairs has said that ‘Assamese people’...
More »Indians fear pandemic will deepen inequalities among students: survey
-The Hindu Most respondents feel it will disrupt education till vaccine is found Three out of four Indians say the COVID-19 pandemic will deepen inequalities among primary and secondary students, according to a survey by global education firm Pearson. Almost 80% fear the pandemic will continue to disrupt education until a vaccine is found. The global online survey was conducted for Pearson in May by a market research firm, with results weighted for...
More »Covid-19: Why is India doing worse than other South Asian countries? -CP Chandraskhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line/ NetworkIdeas.org Now that India has already overtaken Brazil among countries with the most number of Covid-19 positive cases and is on the verge of even beating the USA, it’s worth trying to understand what has led to this inability to control the pandemic in India. One of the arguments often made is that India, being a developing country with a large poor population engaged in informal work,...
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