-The Hindu The Central Public Information Officer of the Supreme Court has informed RTI activist Subash Chandra Agrawal that Chief Justice of India S.H. Kapadia was yet to pass appropriate orders for the setting up of a Constitution Bench to hear cases relating to declaration of assets by judges and other connected issues. The CPIO, in her letter, said the matter was placed before the CJI on December 8, 2010. The...
Advani demands apology from Manmohan, Sonia
-The Hindu “Crackdown smacks of British action at Jallianwala Bagh” “I have a feeling June 2011 is going to become another turning point in the country's history” Wants President to take cognisance of all the events in the last six months Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K. Advani on Sunday described the arrest and removal of Baba Ramdev from the site of his hunger strike and the crackdown on his supporters as “naked...
More »Weighing The Scales by Anuradha Raman
A caveat: Is the Lokpal the right authority to investigate judges? Legal luminaries think otherwise. Five Points Of Contention Pro-Lokpal Bill activists want the higher judiciary to come under the purview of the new law. Jurists think otherwise. Point: Nowhere in the world is there an ombudsman to whom the entire higher judiciary is made accountable Counterpoint: The Lokpal Bill must ensure powers to probe corruption charges against SC and HC judges Independence of...
More »RSS orders: Join Ramdev Lila by Vandita Mishra
The Congress-led UPA is on bended knee trying to placate Swami Ramdev in the run-up to his fast but it’s the Sangh Parivar, specifically the RSS, that could hold the cards. On May 27, eight days before the scheduled start of the fast on June 4, a written circular, signed by RSS general secretary Bhaiyyaji Joshi, went out to provincial organisers. The note specifically asked them to instruct swayamsevaks to support...
More »Who’s afraid of the Lokpal Bill? by Jagdeep S Chhokar
The proposed Jan Lokpal Bill has evoked strong reactions, a number of them emotionally charged. One is struck by the conflicting claims and counter-claims in the media. While it’s hard to determine the truth in such matters, a summary of some of the misgivings and the possible intentions, with an assessment of what possibly is the reality, follows: *The Lokpal is being dubbed as a Leviathan Fear: Being a much too powerful...
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