Total Matching Records found : 6306

Areas under Water Bodies

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Water Resources As per the information collected in the 4th Minor irrigation Census (2006-07), the total number of water bodies used for irrigation in the country was 523816. Out of this, the number of water bodies in use and not in use is 443688 and 80128 respectively. As per the constitution, water, inter-alia including water bodies is a State subject and any corrective measures for removal of...

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Mechanised transplanter for pokkali farming -Hiran Unnikrishnan

-The Hindu Kochi: The task of mechanising agriculture operations in the marshy fields of coastal Kerala will soon become a reality. As part of its efforts to revive the traditional practice of Pokkali farming, the Kerala Agriculture University has developed a machine that enables mechanised transplantation of paddy seedlings in Pokkali fields. Along with this, the varsity has also developed a combined harvester for Pokkali fields, which is being fine-tuned after on-field...

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Budget 2014: Marginal realignment of tactics to strategy -Ashima Goyal

-Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) The paper examines the Restructuring of expenditure in the first budget of the new government, and its feasibility. It compares the increase in budget allocations for key macroeconomic aggregates and sectoral plan outlays for the BJP and UPAII interim budget, and the change from the interim budget. Although overall tactics are aligned to the strategy articulated, the alignment is only marginal as yet, because...

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With 5.5 lakh deaths in 2013, TB is biggest killer

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Fewer Indians might be dying from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, but it is estimated that almost 5.5 lakh non-HIV positive people died of TB last year, making it the biggest killer among the three. Malaria is estimated to have killed about 1.2 lakh people out of over 6 crore cases recorded last year. Though India's fight against HIV/AIDS is said to have made progress, the disease...

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Bogus ration cards pose a challenge to Telangana officials

-The Hindu The total number of ration cards is more than the number of households in Telangana Telengana: It's indeed ironical that the total number of ration cards is more than the number of households in Telangana! With the government repeatedly making it clear that bogus ration cards would be weeded out, officials in districts have begun the exercise. Here is a status report on one of the most difficult tasks undertaken...

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