-The Hindu The Suryanelli case in Kerala cast its lengthening shadow over the Congress on Thursday, with the rape victim’s mother asking party president Sonia Gandhi to act against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P. J. Kurien, whom she places at the heart of the 40-day-long nightmare her daughter underwent 17 years ago — a crime for which not one of the 42 accused persons has been punished to date. The woman...
Many private CBSE-affiliated schools shut doors on RTE seats
-The Times of India BHOPAL: Now, under-privileged children would not get admissions in private CBSE-affiliated schools in Bhopal under the Right to Education (RTE) Act. In a shocker, more than 70% in the state capital have submitted their minority certificates to district education Confusion still prevails over reserved seats under the Right to Education (RTE) Act as 45 out of 63 CBSE-affiliated schools in the city have submitted minority certificates. Besides, they...
More »Anti-Modi Protests Rock DU Campus
-Hard News Media “I was beaten up by the cops; lathicharged,” said a professor from St. Stephen’s College. She, along with another senior teacher from Hindu College were beaten up, pushed and manhandled. Not one police officer was ready to listen to their point of view, even as they were pushed around. Even as the sun set, hundreds of students continued to peacefully protest outside the college, while more teachers joined...
More »Government tightens guidelines for clinical trials-Vidya Krishnan and Jacob P Koshy
-Live Mint Developments a part of reforms initiated after apex court’s intervention to amend Drugs and Cosmetics Act The health ministry has tightened the norms for clinical trials by making it mandatory for companies to compensate patients who may suffer injury or death while participating in the trials even if they have not been caused by the drugs being tested. So far, the compensation has been restricted only to cases where the...
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) has been the target of criticism from industry groups to the Prime Minister for allegedly holding up infrastructure and industrial development through its system of green clearances. But a recent analysis of 5 years of decision-making put out by an environmental group suggests why these attacks might be misplaced, given the ease with which every single of 262 proposed hydropower and irrigation projects...
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