-The Indian Express On Monday, the Bengali new year's day, viewers who tuned into Bengali music channel Tara Muzik witnessed a spectacle never seen before on Indian TV. Anchors of the channel and independent artistes called in to present Barsha Baran, a programme to celebrate the new year 1420, wept copiously on camera while announcing that the channel, facing an unprecedented "crisis of survival", was shutting down. Hundreds of viewers commiserated with...
Panchayati raj or collector raj? -George Mathew
-The Times of India It is universally recognised that for ensuring people's participation in governance and holistic development, the best instrumentality is local government. So when Parliament passed the 73rd Constitution Amendment Bill on December 23, 1992 to enshrine the essential features of panchayats in the Constitution, this was hailed as historic. But where do our panchayats stand 20 years after becoming institutions of self-government? A big issue before the founders of...
More »Maoists used villagers as human shields in Gadchiroli encounter-Pavan Dahat
-The Hindu Gadchiroli: The villagers of Sindhesur village in Gadchiroli district , where seven people died during an encounter between police and the Maoists on Friday, alleged that the Maoists tried to use some of the villagers present at the spot as human shields. Two villagers of Sindhesur village Mukesh Hidko and Sukhdev Gawade died, apart from four Maoists and one police Jawan, in the cross firing between police and the Maoists...
More »Aadhaar card: Many worried about privacy -Clara Lewis
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Unmindful of the chief minister himself telling the legislature that it is the Centre's directive that unless a district has 80% registration, providing subsidies through Aadhaar cannot be undertaken, citizens are being coerced into getting a UID number. "When we informed the school principal that Parliament is yet to pass the Bill, she categorically told us that there was no harm in obtaining the card. The deadline...
More »Retaining the aroma-Sushanta Talukdar
-The Hindu Efforts are on to obtain Geographical Indication tag for the fragrant non-Basmati joha rice varieties of Assam As the aroma of Assam's joha rice varieties that make the fragrant pulao, delicious Assamese dessert payash and are a must for a number of ethnic delicacies spread far and wide, the State government has begun the technical exercise to obtain Geographical Indication (GI) tag for joha rice to protect these indigenous varieties...
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