-The Times of India Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya, hereafter BP, have argued for phasing out the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in favour of cash transfers ("Rural Inefficiency Act", ToI, 23 October). It's surprising-and amusing-that two eminent economists have chosen to make a case based on prior beliefs and some sophomoric wordplay ('mis'leading economists), rather than on the available evidence. A survey by one of us of the empirical literature...
Time for another Green Revolution -Raju Barwale
-The Hindu Business Line Now that the gains from the first round have petered out, we need to embrace biotech to boost farm productivity As India seeks to ignite the next agrarian revolution, it must try and absorb some of the lessons of the Green Revolution. Currently, agricultural productivity and growth vary from State to State, resulting in regional disparities. Through targeted policymaking, investment in rural infrastructure and research, and ongoing support...
More »Warming signals -Navroz K Dubash
-The Indian Express Attitudes toward climate change in India can appear paradoxical. Although India is one of the countries most deeply vulnerable to climate impacts, climate change does not rank high on policymakers' list of concerns. Two factors explain this inattention. First, India has pressing and immediate development concerns, such as providing sanitation, improved healthcare and access to affordable energy to its population, while the effects of climate change appear abstract...
More »Rise of kidney ailment cases worries Lambada tribals -T Appala Naidu
-The Hindu MANSINGH THANDA (KRISHNA): Barothu Gandhi, 38, one among dozens of patients diagnosed with kidney ailments reportedly due to consumption of fluoride water in Lambada tribal habitations in Krishna district, had already sold his two-acre of land to meet his monthly medical expenses since 2011. Bed-ridden for most of the day at his house in a sleepy tribal hamlet of Mansing Thanda in A. Konduru mandal, Mr. Gandhi was still...
More »80% of grants for finding solutions to improve agricultural yield spent in US, UK, Europe -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India LONDON: Majority of the $3 billion spent by the world's leading philanthropic organization - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on finding solutions around improved agricultural yield to benefit the world's poorest and hungry people, has been spent in the US, Britain and other rich developed nations. Grain, a research group based in Barcelona said on Tuesday that over 80% of the grants were given to organizations in...
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