At Bopara, around five or six youths assaulted Bhoop Singh with lathis on Tuesday. The victim, who is a Dalit and a relative of the newly-elected sarpanch, also named Bhoop Singh, was beaten up following a verbal duel on the ongoing controversy over the recently conducted panchayat Elections. The sarpanch had triggered the casteist row by participating in the polls despite a call for boycott on the ground that all...
Food, fuel inflation ease in early June
India’s food and fuel price inflation eased in early June, easing pressure on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to speed up its process of tightening monetary policy. India’s food price index rose 16.12% in the year to 5 June, snapping a two-week rise, and lower than the previous week’s annual reading of 16.74%, government data released on Thursday showed. The fuel price index climbed 13.18%, compared with an annual rise of 14.23%...
More »'Chhattisgarh's 100% settlement claim hollow' by Supriya Sharma
The might of the Indian state is unable to turn the tide in Chhattisgarh. A violent Maoist insurgency continues to rage despite massive deployment of security forces. Ever wondered why? Part of the answer has come now with the findings of a joint committee that recently visited the state to take stock of the implementation of the Forest Rights Act. The Act, legislated in 2006 to provide tribals legal access...
More »Gender Bender by Arfa Khanum Sherwani
As soon as the Rajya Sabha passed the women’s reservation bill, ensuring 33 per cent reservations for women in Parliament and state legislative assemblies, the issue of backward and Muslim women jigged to the centre of the debate. Earlier, whenever Muslim women managed to come into the limelight, it was all grabbed by the Imranas and the Gudias, not to forget the Shahbanos — supposed to be living in the...
More »Policing the police by Moyna
Surprise was in store for Sushil Kaushik when in 1989 he first joined duty as a constable in Serkot in Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district. He had no idea how corrupt police officials can be. He saw policemen taking bribes, and superiors deducting constables’ salaries without giving any explanation. Kaushik questioned his bosses on the irregularities he came across. In Serkot his colleagues would take bribes from villagers who brought fire-wood...
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